Running From Myself

Follow the lives of Sapphire Jones, Zoe Ross, and Amy Bellows as they navigate through their challenges and struggles in life.

Sapphire craves love and security but finds herself seeking it in all the wrong places, using drugs and alcohol which leads to a lot of pain and heartbreak.

Zoe has created the life she wants, but when her estranged father reappears, she’s forced to confront the pain of her past and decide whether or not to let him back in.

Amy seems to have it all on paper, but battles with the pressure to live up to expectations. She’s constantly seeking those things that bring immediate gratification, not considering the consequences they may bring.

As they go through their own journeys, Saff seeks forgiveness and turns to God, while Amy indulges in drugs and men, and Zoe tries to find her place in the world. Will they be able to overcome their challenges and find the love, forgiveness, and freedom they’re searching for, or will they continue to be held back by their past and try to keep running?

Join them on their journey and find out.

Running From Myself is my debut novel and will be out very soon. Be sure to subscribe below to be informed of the release date



Author Bio

Amber was born in the year 1981 in Warrington and spent most of her early years in South Manchester before relocating to Leigh, Wigan just before she turned thirty. Her first novel, Running From Myself, will be published this month. Amber’s life took a drastic turn when she embraced Christianity in 2012. Her newfound faith became a driving force in her life, inspiring her to inspire and encourage others to embrace the best versions of themselves, as God intended.

Amber is happily married to Marvin, a rapper and evangelist, and together they are raising three beautiful children. One of their children has a congenital heart defect that has required two open heart surgeries before the age of three. Amber’s writing is heavily influenced by her life experiences and the issues she observed growing up in Manchester. Her stories are a reflection of her faith and the impact it has had on her life. She shares her journey with others through her blog and website

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