Book Cover Reveal

I’m so excited to reveal my book cover 😍

Designed by Laura at Peanut Designs

Laura has read my book and really got what I wanted to portray. The book is set in Manchester, so I wanted a Manchester scene. In my mind, I had always seen a silhouette of a woman somewhere on the cover to create that intrigue. And here we have both!

If you will be buying a copy of my debut novel, which is coming soon, I would love you to like and comment, but I would also love it if you could share the cover on your socials and tag me. Let others know it’s coming!

Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page using the icons below and please share the book cover post.

I can’t do any of this without your support, and I’m so grateful for all the encouragement 💛

Running from Myself will be coming soon!

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