I left the WhatsApp group, not the family!

Most families these days have WhatsApp groups where they share photos and event planning, amongst other things. Personally, I am in five WhatsApp groups, church and family.

About four years ago, I left a group called “family.” I had my reasons at the time, but mainly because some family members ONLY communicate with family in that group, never on a personal level, and some of the communication felt fake to me. I’m a grown-up and can make my own decisions, so I left, as I’ve left other WhatsApp groups over the years.

Recently, I’ve been questioned over why I’m not in the group. Bear in mind that this is four years later! Some people didn’t even realise I had left and thought I was still in the group despite never posting anything.

I’m being asked to rethink and rejoin. I’ve been very happy not being in the group, and those who have an actual relationship with me have continued to do so.

It seems that if you are not in the group, then you miss out on being invited to stuff. Well, for me, this is part of the problem. People stop thinking of individuals and have a group mentality. A prime example is to not even notice someone has left.

Another thing people do is try to encourage you to continue relationships with people who make you feel bad just because they are family. We can make choices about how we allow people to treat us, and just because they are family does not mean we have to continue allowing this.

We have to protect our own health and wellbeing, and that can sometimes mean limiting or even ending relationships with family members. It would be great for us all to have amazing, healthy family relationships, but for most of us, that’s not reality.

So when I left the “family” WhatsApp group, I didn’t leave the family! I’m still here. My number is still the same. I’m active on all my socials, so feel free to comment, like and communicate with me just as I’ve been doing all these years because I’m able to have relationships outside of WhatsApp groups.

Have you experienced this? Do you have any thoughts about this or even stories? Let me know in the comments x

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